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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Tue, Mar 11, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
it's Tuesday and you're not sleeping in again today, right ? Because you know it's time to start riding bicycles again ! I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street every Tuesday by 9am, so set your Tuesday alarm and wrangle yourself up and ride with me. and then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & water your plants, or 3) ride to a bike shop & drool on the windows because they might not be open yet... or maybe they moved... If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
Tue, Mar 11, 2025, 4:00 PM
8:00 PM
For those of you who can't make it on Wednesday to Rainbow Plaza or for those of you who need a 2nd day of community building, or for those of you who like/love to drink wine... I present to you a weekly Tuesday event at Bar Botellon ! just three blocks from Blumenauer Bridge! $2.00 tapa with every glass of wine purchased. https://barbotellon.com/tapas - tapas menu ! https://barbotellon.com/drinks - wine menu & other drinks :) Join other bike-minded folks for good wine, great tapas, and Spaniard vibes on the corner of NE 6th & Davis at Bar Botellon every Tuesday from 4-8pm (or so). Tapas Tuesday, inspired by Bike Happy Hour on Wednesday, is a place where anyone can show up and be embraced (not literally, unless you're a hugger!) by our wonderful community. Just show up and hang out. That's it! All ages are welcome but there is only street parking and bike racks where you can park bikes and displace cars if you want. No coloring books (sorry Jonathan :/ ) or crayons for the kiddos, but feel free to bring your own activities: puzzles, chess, games, GUITARS, castanets, whatever! Happy Hour will get you a $2.00 tapa with each glass of wine purchased
21+ Only
Vera Katz Statue, SE Water Ave &, SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97239
Starting under bridge across from Vera Katz Statue
Tue, Mar 11, 2025, 8:00 PM
Meet at 7pm, ride at 8pm
This Ride will be a quick store stop, park stop, and end spot. Follow shift 2 bikes code of conduct. Their will be a raffle at end spot. Feel free to bring games. I will bring dominoes and XL Uno cards. Heading straight to end spot depending on weather.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
It's Wednesday! Humpday! No Sleeping in today Because it is time to start riding bicycles again I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street for a 9am meeting, every Wednesday, so stop hitting that snooze bar, ride with me. and then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & pay attention to your animals, or 3) ride somewhere more fun than work. If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
🎉 Week 100 🎉 - Share Your BHH Memories at Open Mic
Jonathan Maus / BikePortland
Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 3:00 PM
Till 6:00
New location is Migration Brewing on N Williams Ave. Join other bike-minded folks for drinks, food and community every Wednesday from 3-6 (or so). Bike Happy Hour is a place where everyone is welcomed and embraced by our community. Just show up and hang out. That's it! Follow @bikeportland on socials for updates and info about special themed nights or special guest appearances. All ages are welcome. We've got coloring books and crayons for the kiddos and feel free to bring your own activities: puzzles, crafts, games, or whatever. $5 Migration Pints! - Great Food Menu from Papas Frita. 3:00 pm - Quiet(er) hours. If you don't like crowds or want to talk to me (Jonathan) one-on-one, this is a great time to show up. 4:00 pm - Free Fries! (Please help BikePortland sustain this cherished tradition by sponsoring the fries via this link. https://bikeportland.org/contribute) 5:00 pm - Open Mic. Special guest speeches and announcements. Everyone is welcome to share. No invitation needed. 6:00 pm - Folks start to leave, but you're welcome to stay later.
21+ Only
Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 5:00 PM
Meeting up around 5 until they kick us out! (Or we get sleepy and leave)
End location: You make to the event you made the end spot!
To celebrate 100 bi-weekly rides we are going to host a spoke card bike chat event at BG's Food Cartel! (Same spot as the Westside Bike Happy Hour). We will provide the laminator and the sheets and you bring the ideas and markers/crayons/pens/blood or whatever else you wanna bring to make some art. Keep them for yourself or exchange them with friends! Hell, exchange them with people you meet at the event! This isn't a ride but we encourage you to take public transit, the location is right next to Beaverton Central MAX stop and about 4 blocks from Beaverton Transit Center, or even ride your bike there. We have many ideas for this year and hope to see you there and plan with us!
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Thu, Mar 13, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
Thursday! 1DTE ! What are you waiting for ? It is time to start riding bicycles again I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street for a 9am meeting, every Thursday, so be a good human and ride with me. And then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & bake bread or sweet treats 3) ride somewhere less fun than work. boo. If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
Thu, Mar 13, 2025, 5:00 PM
Meet at 5, ride at 5:15pm
Do you get over-zealous and buy too many seeds this time of year? Do you have a box (drawer??) overflowing with packets of seeds that you’ll probably never plant? Do you wish you could buy 4 pumpkin seeds instead of 40? Bring those half packets or maybe expired seed packets and let’s trade! Definitely bring those delicata seeds that have been passed down through generations. Let’s talk plants and techniques and how the heck to keep your tomatoes from getting blossom end rot. We’ll ride bikes and find somewhere to sit down to chat and trade. Might be outside, might be a bar or cafe depending on the weather.
Friday, March 14, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Fri, Mar 14, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
You made it to Friday! 0DTE ! Let's finish up another great work week in Portland ! By now you know what time it is... time to start riding bicycles again! I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street for a 9am meeting, every Friday, so be good to yourself and ride with me. And then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & start your weekend 3) ride somewhere new that you've been wanting to explore ! 4) ride the rainbow ! If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
Pi Ride on 3/14
Portland Opera, 733 SW Oak St #100, Portland, OR 97205
Meet outside, on the street, near the main entrance to Portland Opera building.
Michael Hamann
Fri, Mar 14, 2025, 4:00 PM
Meet at 4:00 PM, ride at 4:30 PM
Ride is a loop
End location: 733 SW Oak St #100, Portland, OR 97205
1st annual Pi Ride Come join us as we circle around Portland on a Maths Pi ride. Bring your bicycle, e-bike, scooter, skateboard, roller skates, — whatever wheels you have! We will explore the edges, lines and curves of the city as we experience riding our bicycles along the waterfront up curvy ramps and orbicular paths. This “numerical pi advocacy ride" will include: * some recreational math games (chalk or paper provided for games) * a brief history of Pi and we will talk about how important Pi is for our banking and security systems. On one stop there will be an opportunity to write out as many digits of Pi as you can. You bet, there will even be awards given out for those who give it a try! We will start at the Portland Opera House. The ride will be about 3.14 miles along the waterfront. Easy to moderate, we will keep a meandering pace on this No-Drop, curvilinear ride— a circular ride as we will end where we began For anyone interested , after the ride your hosts, Michael and Naomi, will be heading for a delicious Pi-licious Pizza slice (location tbd). What to bring: * If you have it— Your nerdiest MATH themed attire. * cash for if you decide to join us for pizza Free on-street parking available if you are driving to the start location.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 9:00 AM
Sign-making at Floyds starting at 9:00 AM, ride out at 10:30 AM sharp.
The news is pretty grim these days. If Congress won't act, how can anyone stop a hostile government takeover by Nazis? That's where we, the people, need to learn from our history and stand strong against the tyranny. #TeslaTakedown is a grass-roots leaderless movement to take down Elon Musk's greatest source of wealth: his over-inflated car company. Join us for a short ride from Floyd's Coffee in Ladd's Circle to the South Waterfront Tesla showroom to protest against Tesla and Elon Musk. We will be at Floyd's at 9 AM with sign-making materials if you would like to make a sign (and support a local business!) Ride will leave promptly at 10:30 AM to join the protest (11 AM to 1 PM). For more information, or for flyers that you can print out to give to your neighbors, check out: TeslaTakedown.com -- FAQ's -- WHY WILL THIS WORK? Tesla is not a very profitable company, and is primarily a MEME stock. That means the value of the stock is not based on the actual sales of vehicles or cash it's making, but instead based on the hype. Tesla stock is already down 30% since the start of this year, sales are down over 40% in Europe, and are dropping in the US. If public sentiment about the company continues to decline and fewer people decide to buy Teslas (which are poorly made vehicles, btw), the hype-bubble will pop and the stock price with it. HOW WILL THIS WORK? By making sure the public knows owning a Tesla will make you a pariah in polite society. Protesting in front of the showrooms will make people think twice about buying a Tesla, and they will likely decide to purchase an EV from one of the dozens of other models that don't have the stigma attached (or even opt for a E-Bike!) WHAT SHOULD I BRING? Mostly yourself! If you have markers, poster boards, or other sign-making equipment, feel free to bring it and come make a sign with us at Floyd's starting at 9 AM. WHAT ELSE CAN I DO TO DE-NAZIFY OUR GOVERNMENT? 1. SHARE Let your friends and family know what you're up to, and invite them to come! Everyone is welcome. 2. SELL If you or someone you know owns Tesla stock, SELL NOW. The Tesla bubble is popping, as the stock is down over 30% so far this year. While a typical company's Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio tends to be between 7 (including Ford and other automakers) and 30 (including tech giants Google and Microsoft), Tesla is trading at over 300 P/E ratio. Tesla is trading not based on the current value, but based on fantasy of what it might be worth in the future. You and your friends should not expose itself to the major downside of Tesla correcting to a "normal" P/E ratio, which would mean the stock would be trading below 10% of its current value. Additionally, if you know of someone who owns a Tesla, encourage them to sell it and trade up for an E-Bike or Electric Cargo Bike (or one of the many other better EV's on the market)! 3. DIVEST If you don't own stocks directly, but have your retirement funds in an index or mutual fund, write to your financial advisor encouraging them to divest from Tesla. There's a simple form letter below you can use. 4. BOYCOTT If you know someone in the market for a car who is thinking about buying a Tesla, tell them to READ THE NEWS, and don't buy cars from Nazis. ---- SHORT LETTER --- Dear <INVESTMENT FIRM>, I am very concerned about my retirement funds being invested in Tesla, Inc., and I am urging you to divest completely from Tesla. In February, the California Public Employees Retirement System sold 50% of their holdings in Tesla (Source: https://www.tipranks.com/news/largest-u-s-pension-sells-tesla-tsla-stock). It is critical to divest from this company, given the shifting public sentiment. The Tesla bubble is popping, as the stock is down over 30% so far this year. While a typical company's Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio tends to be between 7 (including Ford and other automakers) and 30 (including tech giants Google and Microsoft), Tesla is trading at over 300 P/E ratio. Tesla is trading not based on the current value, but based on fantasy of what it might be worth in the future. Tesla sales are already down over 40% in Europe, and are falling here in the US as well. My retirement funds should not be exposed to the major downside of Tesla correcting to a "normal" PE ratio, which would mean the stock would be trading well below 10% of its current value. Please divest my retirement funds from Tesla. Sincerely, <YOUR NAME>
Family Friendly
Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 10:00 AM
Multiple meeting points - see times in description
End location: PSU’s Fariborz Maseeh Hall at SW Broadway and Harrison
Community led ride - many folks now know the route and different folks can point the way each week! There are three meeting points: 1. SE Clinton St/41st Ave at 10 am (ride at 10:05) 2. SE Clinton St/26 Ave at 10:10 am (ride at 10:15) 3. Tilikum Bridge at PDX Opera ~10:25 am; leaving from Tilikum location ~10:30 am 4. Arrive at PSU Market ~11 am Ride is on every Saturday the market is open (year round except weekend between Christmas and New Year). We will make every effort to note weather-related closures here promptly.
Family Friendly
Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 10:00 AM
Meet at 9:45am, ride at 10am
End location: TBD
Join Bike Milwaukie for the March installment of the monthly ride series. This month we'll visit and explore three new parks in Milwaukie proper and end for lunch and conversation.
Home Depot, 11633 NE Glenn Widing Dr Portland, OR 97220
Volunteers will be meeting in the Home Depot parking lot behind the 711. Look for the SOLVE signs.
Mark Blanchard / SOLVE
Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 10:45 AM
Event starts at 11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Please join SOLVE in a ltter pickup event along the Marine Drive Trail on the Columbia river! We will be starting where the I 205 multi-use path intersects with the Marine Drive trail and heading west towards the airport. For those of you with a cargo bike, this is a perfect opportunity to bring your cargo bike along to help cover the distance and haul litter bags! Signup using the SOLVE website link attached.
Moved to Sunday 3/16
Atfalati Park Baseball Field, 19967 SW 65th Ave, Tualatin, OR 97062
Ride Westside
Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 11:00 AM
Meet at 11 a.m., roll at 11:30 a.m.
End location: End at Next Level Pinball Shop and Museum in Hillsboro, 1458 NE 25th Ave (you can get to the Fair Complex/Hillsboro Airport MAX station from there)
Pinball Wizards ride! Meet at Atfalati Park baseball field. 25 miles of flippin' fun riding through King City for a break at "Special When Lit Pinball Electro-cade". Then, we'll bounce Northwest to "Next Level Pinball Shop and Museum" in Hillsboro. We'll level-up about 500' of elevation gain on this ride. Mostly paved but there may be some gravel trails. Expecting 3.5 hours from start to finish with breaks. Ride is not a loop. After enjoying the pinball museum, you can hop on the MAX to Beaverton Transit Center and transfer to the 76 back to Atfalati Park. First 15 people get a Pinball Wizard spoke card! BYO Pinball money! Distance is 28 miles. Ride map: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/257551107 Kids are welcome if they are strong riders or can ride in a trailer, bike seat, or bucket bike.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Atfalati Park Baseball Field, 19967 SW 65th Ave, Tualatin, OR 97062
Ride Westside
Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 11:00 AM
Meet at 11 a.m., roll at 11:30 a.m.
End location: End at Next Level Pinball Shop and Museum in Hillsboro, 1458 NE 25th Ave (you can get to the Fair Complex/Hillsboro Airport MAX station from there)
Pinball Wizards ride! Meet at Atfalati Park baseball field. 25 miles of flippin' fun riding through King City for a break at "Special When Lit Pinball Electro-cade". Then, we'll bounce Northwest to "Next Level Pinball Shop and Museum" in Hillsboro. We'll level-up about 500' of elevation gain on this ride. Mostly paved but there may be some gravel trails. Expecting 3.5 hours from start to finish with breaks. Ride is not a loop. After enjoying the pinball museum, you can hop on the MAX to Beaverton Transit Center and transfer to the 76 back to Atfalati Park. First 15 people get a Pinball Wizard spoke card! BYO Pinball money! Distance is 28 miles. Ride map: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/257551107 Kids are welcome if they are strong riders or can ride in a trailer, bike seat, or bucket bike.
Sun, Mar 16, 2025, 12:00 PM
4:00 PM
Portland Bike Polo plays every Sunday at the Alberta Park polo court. The unholy union of horse polo, hockey, and bikes. Played worldwide! Portland players travel to other regions to play (and win) tournaments throughout the year. Singlespeed freewheel bikes, not fixed gear. You can borrow one to try it out. Pickup games are 3v3 on rotation throughout the day with mixed skill levels. Gender inclusive sport New players always welcome Loaner bikes & mallets available Portland Bike Polo - estd. 2002 *Monthly rookie nights are held at Rose City Park
The Polo Bible - a rookie guide
Monday, March 17, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Mon, Mar 17, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
yeah I know it's Monday and you'd probably rather sleep in... But you know it's time to start riding bicycles again I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street for a 9am meeting, every Monday, so get your lazy butt up and ride with me. and then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & go back to bed, or 3) ride to a coffee shop & read the Bike Portland Monday Roundup. If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
Family Friendly
Mon, Mar 17, 2025, 7:00 PM
Ride at 7:30
Ride is a loop
End location: Ride is always a loop
Our instagram is nakedHeartspdx so you can see how we ride. Weekly themed rides. Different ride leaders each week, but you can expect the ride to be social paced (8ish mph), no-drop, safe and welcoming, store stop with safe clean bathroom access and the ride is always a loop. We practice consent and non-violence specially with car interactions, what one ride does affects how all rides get treated. The Mellow Mondays are a space for (new) ride leaders to try out ideas in a very supported environment. You’ll often see Mondays rides appearing again during the warmer riding season. We follow the shift code of conduct and expect everyone to be respectful of themselves and others around them. This is so we can actually relax and have fun and connect with each other in a softer space. This isn’t a sober ride but we ask for moderation to keep the atmosphere relaxed. We recommend Abraham Fixes bikes in N Williams and NomadCycles (e-bike specialist) for repairs/sales and parts. Our friends over at RideSafePDX host regular ride and we’ recommend those as a pleasant warm group to ride with.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
it's Tuesday and you're not sleeping in again today, right ? Because you know it's time to start riding bicycles again ! I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street every Tuesday by 9am, so set your Tuesday alarm and wrangle yourself up and ride with me. and then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & water your plants, or 3) ride to a bike shop & drool on the windows because they might not be open yet... or maybe they moved... If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 4:00 PM
8:00 PM
For those of you who can't make it on Wednesday to Rainbow Plaza or for those of you who need a 2nd day of community building, or for those of you who like/love to drink wine... I present to you a weekly Tuesday event at Bar Botellon ! just three blocks from Blumenauer Bridge! $2.00 tapa with every glass of wine purchased. https://barbotellon.com/tapas - tapas menu ! https://barbotellon.com/drinks - wine menu & other drinks :) Join other bike-minded folks for good wine, great tapas, and Spaniard vibes on the corner of NE 6th & Davis at Bar Botellon every Tuesday from 4-8pm (or so). Tapas Tuesday, inspired by Bike Happy Hour on Wednesday, is a place where anyone can show up and be embraced (not literally, unless you're a hugger!) by our wonderful community. Just show up and hang out. That's it! All ages are welcome but there is only street parking and bike racks where you can park bikes and displace cars if you want. No coloring books (sorry Jonathan :/ ) or crayons for the kiddos, but feel free to bring your own activities: puzzles, chess, games, GUITARS, castanets, whatever! Happy Hour will get you a $2.00 tapa with each glass of wine purchased
Tue, Mar 18, 2025, 7:30 PM
Mett up 730pm ride out 8pm
We ride bikes in Southeast Portland. We start on foster at the Mercado. Next to the 1 year old burnt down barrio. If you can support the food carts before we head out on the bike ride we meet up at 7:30 and We ride out at 8pm. We have guests ride leaders often. Please come prepared. Bring your lights maybe a spare tube patch kit tools to do such. Don't litter they are homeless not your can butler's. Be kind to all travelers, everybody's got places to go things to do, and everybody wants to make it home in the end.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Wed, Mar 19, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
It's Wednesday! Humpday! No Sleeping in today Because it is time to start riding bicycles again I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street for a 9am meeting, every Wednesday, so stop hitting that snooze bar, ride with me. and then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & pay attention to your animals, or 3) ride somewhere more fun than work. If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
Jonathan Maus / BikePortland
Wed, Mar 19, 2025, 3:00 PM
Till 6:00
New location is Migration Brewing on N Williams Ave. Join other bike-minded folks for drinks, food and community every Wednesday from 3-6 (or so). Bike Happy Hour is a place where everyone is welcomed and embraced by our community. Just show up and hang out. That's it! Follow @bikeportland on socials for updates and info about special themed nights or special guest appearances. All ages are welcome. We've got coloring books and crayons for the kiddos and feel free to bring your own activities: puzzles, crafts, games, or whatever. $5 Migration Pints! - Great Food Menu from Papas Frita. 3:00 pm - Quiet(er) hours. If you don't like crowds or want to talk to me (Jonathan) one-on-one, this is a great time to show up. 4:00 pm - Free Fries! (Please help BikePortland sustain this cherished tradition by sponsoring the fries via this link. https://bikeportland.org/contribute) 5:00 pm - Open Mic. Special guest speeches and announcements. Everyone is welcome to share. No invitation needed. 6:00 pm - Folks start to leave, but you're welcome to stay later.
Wed, Mar 19, 2025, 6:00 PM
Meet at 6:00 ; ride at 6:30
Join Nomad Cycles and the e-bike community on our monthly East side e-bike ride! Come with a full battery to ride with the ease only an electric bike can offer. We will meet up at the outdoor seating of 5846 NE Sandy Blvd starting at 6 and ride at 6:30, meandering around interesting city terrain with an opportunity or two to climb hills effortlessly and open that throttle if you so desire. Distance is dependent on the demeanor of the crowd so we may take breaks at concession stops or patios if desired. This is a consistent monthly ride held on every third Wednesday of the month. Frequently Woman led and all are welcome, this is an inclusive ride that is treated as a safe space.
21+ Only
Cycle Cats PDX
Wed, Mar 19, 2025, 8:00 PM
Meet up at 19:30 and rolling out at 20:00
10:00 PM
Ride is a loop
End location: Back at Beaverton Transit Center
Holy shit! We did it! 100 consecutive bi-weekly rides!! It's been 4 years in the making and we have enjoyed every minute of it! What a blast it has been helping foster a bike community here on the west side of the river. Not only are we excited for the ride but we are always encouraging others to lead our rides so what better time than now? So we are all going to be ride leaders!!! It'll be a fun and exciting time with people taking turns leading! Everyone will have a say and we won't stop until everyone has had a chance. You won't want to miss out! Come out and see what all the fuss is about!
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Family Friendly
Holladay Park, 1200 NE Multnomah Street
meet at the center of the Holladay Park GPS 45.530772558867014, -122.65357131865242
Joseph Bicycles
Thu, Mar 20, 2025, 8:15 AM
meet at 8:15am roll out at 8:30am
8:55 AM
End location: Salmon Street Springs - 1000 SW Naito Parkway
Thursday! 1DTE ! What are you waiting for ? It is time to start riding bicycles again I have to be at SW Main & 1st Street for a 9am meeting, every Thursday, so be a good human and ride with me. And then you can 1) ride to your own job, 2) ride back home & bake bread or sweet treats 3) ride somewhere less fun than work. boo. If you need to be downtown by 8:30 then email me and I'll likely bump up the time 1/2 hour If you need to be downtown by 8:00 then start you own ride :) We'll meet at Holladay Park, ride west on Multnomah Blvd, turn left thru the TriMet street and cross the Willamette on lower deck of Steel Bridge. The SB on Naito Parkway to Salmon Street Springs.
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.