Thursday, June 3, 2021
This ride ends at Salmon St Fountain by 7pm!
SW Salmon Street Fountain, near west end of Hawthorne bridge, SW Salmon St & SW Naito Parkway
meet at the fountain
Joe Longfellow
Thu, Jun 3, 2021, 3:00 PM
Meet at 3pm, leave by 3:30. Back at the Salmon ST Fountain by 7pm
7:00 PM
Let's attach tiny horses to horse rings! I'm not an expert at tiny horses in the slightest, but on this ride I would like to attach a bunch of tiny horses to Portland's horse rings. Ride gathers at 3pm at the SW Salmon ST Fountain near the west end of the Hawthorne Bridge, and leaves at 3:30. We will return to the fountain by 7pm. This is a no drop ride. Obviously if you have to leave that's fine, but we will make additional stops if someone gets a flat tire, etc. If you do leave early please try to tell someone that you're leaving so we don't wonder if we lost someone. If you have tiny horses or other animals toys you want to attach or you have supplies to attach them, like pliers, wires, cables, and crimps please bring them. I'll bring a few horses and some metal coat hangers and pliers for attaching, but may not have enough for every rider. Feel free to also dress up yourself or you bike as a horse or even a unicorn for extra fun! Wear a mask please! Please do not ride a horse! This is a Vegan Bike Club ride (please do your best to consume only vegan snacks while on the ride)
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.