Saturday, February 5, 2022
Sat, Feb 5, 2022, 9:45 AM
Meet at 9:45 AM at Piccolo Park, ride at 10:15 AM sharp. Please don't be on "bikey time" for this one. We want to arrive in time to lock our bikes and compose ourselves, so we're ready to be attentive and respectful of our young tour guides at 11:15 AM.
Ride is a loop
End location: You may join or leave at any point, preferably planned and communicated in advance. Since this is all day, including lunch and two walking tours, I'm anticipating some people coming for just part of it, which is great, too!
UPDATE: Our ride group has received permission to attend the Word Is Bond - In My Shoes tours even though registration online with Word Is Bond has been closed, and the tours are full. You can register by sending me an email at, or on a sign-up sheet when you arrive for the ride at Piccolo Park on SE 28 between Division and Clinton at 9:45 AM tomorrow, Saturday, February 5th. We will keep in the background, and a low, respectful, attentive profile, especially if we are a large group. Should be a fun, thought-provoking, uplifting ride and day! PS - Ride route has been shortened to 15 miles, with an alternative route home available, making total ride miles 10. See the below for details. "Word is Bond presents “In My Shoes,” a storytelling campaign in celebration of Black History Month that features nine walking tours in neighborhoods across Portland led by the community ambassadors of Word is Bond. The tours are designed to highlight the voices, dreams, and experiences of rising Black men as well as the neighborhoods in which they live. Community members and law enforcement officers are encouraged to come to listen, learn, and reflect on the stories of young Black men that are not often told or listened to. The walking tours are curated by Word is Bond's community ambassadors (youth leaders who have participated in Word is Bond’s programs). “In My Shoes” events feature a 45-minute tour of a local Portland neighborhood, followed by a 15-minute question and answer period at the end of the tour. During the tour, community ambassadors will indicate important places in their community, share personal experiences that shaped them and ideas they have developed to better the community, and read original works of poetry. In the lead-up to the tours, each community ambassador will have conducted a community audit of their neighborhood to assess strengths and areas of need. The tours will be backed up with data provided to the youth from Word is Bond community partners: the Portland Police Bureau, Bureau of Emergency Communication, Portland Fire and Rescue, and the Portland Bureau of Transportation. Each tour will be offered twice, one to law enforcement officers and staff and one to community members. Each Ambassador’s tour will be supported by an “honor guard” of Black men from the community. See below for community tour times and sign-ups. See you out in the community soon!" (from Word Is Bond website.) (Read more on bikeportland here: ) You may join for all or part of this ride and either or both of the walking tours. I can Share My Location on my iPhone if you need to catch up with the group, or you can text me. This response about our ride from Lakayana Drury, ED of Word Is Bond: "We would welcome a co-ride to the tours. Please have folks sign up on our website so we can keep track of counts. And as y'all arrive at the tours please be aware of presence so it doesn't overshadow the youth or what not. A group full of bikes pulling up can cause some attention so I want to both welcome and be aware of it." Please read the Shift Code of Conduct and the Shift Public Health page before signing up for the ride. Please take just a few minutes to read the Word Is Bond website, so you arrive familiar with who they are and what the In My Shoes program is about. Bring rain gear, money for lunch, bike lights for ride home, reflective vest or light-colored clothing. UPDATE: We have a great volunteer to ride sweep and bring bike tools. Lastly: I sure could use some volunteer co-leaders to help as sweep, mechanical readiness, and creating a generally safe, comfortable, inclusive, and welcoming ride. If anyone wants to post and lead a subset of this ride for the afternoon program only and meet up with us at lunch or at the program, that would be awesome! This ride is about 15 miles at a slow pace <8mph and about 2 hours of total ride time if we choose the long way home, or about 10 miles and about 1.5 hours total ride time if we return the way we came. Since we are attending both the Mt Scott and the Lents walking tours, plus having lunch at Portland Mercado, there is alot of non-riding time. The return trip can be decided by the group at the end of the second walking tour at 3:45 PM, either 1) via the 205 and Springwater MUPs, or 2) back the way we came on Foster and the Clinton Greenway. Google map link to route: The Clinton/SE 12th Max station is .8 miles from Piccolo Park start/end point, and Lents Town Center/Foster Rd. Max station is about 1.8 miles from the end of the second walking tour.
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.