Saturday, July 2, 2022
21+ Only
This will be the Dead Baby club ride
Colonel summers, Southeast Taylor and 17th
Spring water
Dead Baby Bike Club-Portland
Sat, Jul 2, 2022, 8:45 PM
Ride at 10
Hey-yo!!! We are back at it again this year hosting this fabulous event!! Thank you to everyone that participated last year; I hope it encourages you to invite more people this year. We will keep Colonel Summers as the start point for this event. Start gathering around 9 with a roll time of 10pm. Dress yourself to the max for this fun party slow roll in southeast to our super , not so secret, end point dance party!!! Bring your partner, friends, or date to the years bike prom!! We will remain to strive to make this event a safe place for all to gather and party. Water will be provided at the end spot as well as limited food. We want to stress that if you feel unsafe to find your nearest Dead Baby member. Feel free to skip this event if you don’t understand consent or respect. Please invite all your awesome friends that do understand these wild modern concepts!! Live DJ line up: DJ Stacy More Fun (10-12) DJ Sunsei (12-1) DJ LO (1-2) DJ Claudia Martinez (2-3) DJ Spitfire (3-end) Our goal this year is to have a lube wresting torment style. To sign up to participate please private message Kelli Moon-Woods to get signed up!! The winner will receive bragging rights with a sash and automatic of being one of the two Prom Royalties!!! Prom Royalty that is not a lube wresting champion will be decided via old school method of write in ballot at prom. So you must be present and vote to win!! Weird concept of being popular but I’m sure dead babies would except bribes as well ???????? Get a picture of you and yours looking your absolute best with our proud bike photographer no.Lens.cap AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THIS WONDERFUL ACTIVITIES DONT FORGET TO BUY YOUR COMMEMORATIVE WATER BOTTLE FOR ALL YOUR PROM DRINK NEEDS!!! See you kids there!!! Remember to bring cash for DJ TIPS AND MERCH!!
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.