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Saturday, August 27, 2022

  • Update Native and Indigenous Ride

    Organizer Alexis Vazquez and Nanette Beyale

    Time Sat, Aug 27, 2022, 2:00 PM

    Time details 2pm Meetup, 3pm Rollout and 5pm End-Event begins

    End time 4:00 PM

    We are hosting a Native and Indigenous-only bike ride with BikePOC, ChingonasOutside, BIKETOWN/Lyft, Trek Bikes, Fat Tire Farm, CyclePath PDX, Warpaint Mag and SISTERS FRY BREAD (!!!) as well as Pedalpalooza for their calendar lineup on August 27, 2022! We are incredibly excited to bring the first Native andIndigenous Bike ride to Portland, Oregon. This will be a 9-mile, party-pace ride from the downtown waterfront area to Laurelhurst Park and we will end our ride at PSU's Native American Student and Community Center for fry bread, music, and vendors. Meet up is at 2PM, ride out at 3PM. Ending event will start at 5PM. *You will not receive the starting point for the ride or the $50 Biketown/Lyft credit if you do not sign up for the ride via our waiver, LINK IS BELOW* SIGN UP FOR THE BIKE RIDE HERE TO RECEIVE STARTING POINT (FOR RIDER SAFETY) AND $50 BIKETOWN PROMO CODE HERE: The final checkpoint event at PSU's NASCC will be welcoming ALL ALLIES of our community to support the Native and Indigenous vendors/affiliates. Come get some FRY BREAD starting at 5 PM!! DON’T OWN A BIKE!? NO PROBLEM!BIKETOWN/Lyft will provide a $50 credit for all of our Native and Indigenous riders who sign up via our waiver being put out by BikePOC. IF YOU NEED A HELMET please reach out to the IG handled below, we are working with @chingonasoutside to make this possible. The funding will provide payment for the venue first as a priority. Any additional donations will be given to the Native and Indigenous vendors/affiliates. Thank you for your time and efforts. This event is for Native Americans and peoples who identify as Indigenous not only here in the US but for example Chicanos and Taínos such as myself and many others that would not identify as Natives. Host Instagram handles: @soyalexis73 @smirkingfoxx Feel free to email: Land Acknowledgement: The Portland Metro area rests on traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River. Let it be known that Land Acknowledgements are only for recognition of the original stewards of this land. Positively impacting Native and Indigenous communities starts with true equity and justice for all the first peoples of this land. Acknowledging our existence and history is only the beginning of that path.

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SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.