Saturday, June 24, 2023
Family Friendly
Irving Park, 707 NE Fremont St, Portland, OR 97212
Meet by the bathrooms at the top of the hill
Amelia H.
Sat, Jun 24, 2023, 1:00 PM
Meet at 1, ride at 1:30
Ride is a loop
Looking for a reason to dust off your new bike trailer? Curious what it’s like toting the under-two crowd around town? Wondering how other new parents are incorporating biking for transportation into their new lives? Want to go on a test ride before you head out on Sunday Parkways on the 25th? Join other new parents for a slow and intentional ride around the greenways in NE. We’ll stick to slow streets with fewer bumps on them to get used to toting our new precious cargo around. Meet at Irving Park by the bathrooms at 1 pm. At 1:30, we’ll roll out. There are benches next to the bathrooms if you need to nurse or change diapers before the ride.
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.