Saturday, July 1, 2023
Family Friendly
Salmon Springs Fountain, 1000 SW Naito Pkwy, Portland, OR 97204
Meet at the fountain
Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee Chairs (Ally and Joe)
Sat, Jul 1, 2023, 9:00 AM
Downtown ride start is 9AM, there is a SW Hillsdale stop where the ride will restart at 10:30AM
11:00 AM
The SW Capitol Highway Project Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is happening Saturday, July 1 at 11:00 am, at SW Capitol Highway and Garden Home Road. Join us on this bike parade from downtown Portland to Multnomah Village where the event is located to celebrate the completion of the SW Capitol Highway Project. 9:00AM: Ride leaves from the Salmon Springs fountain downtown 9:45AM: Ride stops at Baker and Spice in Hillsdale - coffee break, pick-up SW riders 10:30AM: Ride leaves from bike racks next to Basics Market 10:50AM: Ride arrives at ceremony site (SW Capitol Highway and Garden Home Road)
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.