Saturday, July 1, 2023
Keller Auditorium, 222 SW Clay St
Meet at noon at Montgomery Plaza (SW Broadway & Montgomery); then we'll head to Keller!
Tim Davis
Sat, Jul 1, 2023, 12:00 PM
Meet at PSU Montgomery Plaza at noon; ride to Keller at 12:30
End location: Keller Auditorium
Meet at noon at Montgomery Plaza (heart of the PSU campus); then we'll take a slow walk/roll through the Halprin Sequence to Keller Fountain! Tim's parting to Pennsylvania! And I can't think of a better send-off than celebrating with all you bike-tastic folks on a *car-free* Keller Block!! It'll be car-free for the day, but when Keller Auditorium is renovated, it will hopefully be car-free EVERY day! This might be my last chance to see many of you for several years--I miss all of you already! So, let's FILL this block and have a blast together! Let's show City Hall how fun and vibrant the Keller Block is when it's transformed from a highway-esque one-way stroad (with two lanes of parking) into a place for PEOPLE! It's my birthday, too, so all the more reason to celebrate! :) Invite everyone! Kids are welcome and encouraged! :) We hope to fill the block with tons of family-friendly activities, too! We'll bike (or walk or roll!) from **Montgomery Plaza** (SW Broadway & Montgomery, at the heart of the PSU campus--a block that several of us worked for *four long years* to make car-free!!) through the car-free Halprin Sequence (where I lived and LOVED for a decade!) to Keller Fountain, which WILL become car-free one day--hopefully by the time I'm back from around five years of exploring the great & exciting urbanism of the Northeast: Philly, NYC, Boston, DC, and my favorite big city of them all: Montreal! :)
Shift hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the Shift calendar by community members, not by Shift. Rides and events posted to the Shift calendar are not sponsored by Shift or Shift’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.