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Sunday, July 30, 2023

  • Organizer Ted Buehler and Amit Zinman

    Time Sun, Jul 30, 2023, 5:00 PM

    Time details Roll at 5:30. (Go through Fernhill Park at 5:40)

    End time 8:00 PM

    Loop Ride is a loop

    It's easy and fun to ride your bike to the PDX Airport. Did you know that there is excellent, secure long-term bicycle parking at the terminal? Next time you're flying somewhere, consider a pleasant, invigorating ride to the airport instead of getting a cab ride or taking the MAX. (And on return, you can strut out of the airport, bungee your suitcase to your rack, and be heading back home in less time than it takes to get a taxi or wait for MAX) There are two good routes to the airport from NE/N Portland -- 42nd Ave and Cornfoot, and the Marine Dr. multi-use path. We'll ride both routes, in a big loop -- in one way, out the other. Either clockwise, or counterclockwise, depending on the wind. (It's nice to have a tailwind on the Marine Dr. Path). Waypoints for rest, AC, water, swimming, snacks are the PDX Airport Terminal, Broughton Beach, and the Oregon Food Bank community farm (on 33rd Dr). Bring a suitcase if you'd like to look stylish. We'll roll past the Fernhill Park playground at 5:40 as a secondary meeting place. If it is a hot day, we may make multiple dips in the Columbia River!


    Phone 5038900510

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SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.