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Monday, August 28, 2023

  • Update Rain, shine, smoke, heat, or asteroid... we ride

    Organizer Emily K. & her Clean Energy Friends

    Time Mon, Aug 28, 2023, 3:00 PM

    Time details Meet at 3 pm, ride no later than 3:30 pm

    End time 4:15 PM

    Loop Ride is a loop

    Climate change has been grinding away at our planet for decades, but 2023 has smashed records around the world for extreme weather, arctic and Antarctic ice melt, high ocean temps, and record high land temperatures. As of this posting, 14 days in July 2023 have recorded surface air temperatures greater than 17°C (62.6°F) — spikes that have not been seen for roughly 125,000 years. Here in Portland we had a wild Winter, followed by a non-existent Spring and a Summer that arrived two full months early. While we are not complaining - our high temps this Summer have come nowhere near high temps seen in the Southwest, Europe, and China - we remember the horrific fires in September 2020, and the 116°F days in June 2021, and we know we are still as vulnerable as the rest of the world. So, what will our planet look like at the end of August 2023? Will one of the ice shelfs the size of Florida have broken off of Antarctica on its way to raise the sea level around the globe? How many more records will have been broken? And what will Portland look like? Come join us for a ride around the waterfront no matter what the weather or world throws at us to discuss climate resilience strategies in this, the coolest summer that we'll likely experience for the rest of our lives. *THIS RIDE WILL BE HELD RAIN, SHINE, SMOKE, HIGH TEMPS, OR OTHERWISE!* The point of this ride is to think about how we'll be resilient in the face of our changing climate. If there's smoke from wildfires, bring a respirator and we'll do a very short loop. If it's hot, hydrate and wear sunscreen and we'll do a short, slow loop. If it's raining, you know what to do. The only reason this ride will be cancelled is if the organizers are sick, or if The Big One happens first.

    Phone 5138070887

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