Sunday, September 3, 2023
East side of "Robertson Life Sciences Building", S Bond Ave & S Meade St, Portland, OR 97201
We'll use the car-free block of Bond Ave, between Meade St and Tilikum crossing.
Viv, the bicycle instructor
Sun, Sep 3, 2023, 2:00 PM
2-4pm, come at beginning or drop-in anytime
4:00 PM
This is a free, drop-in, learning environment, overseen by a bicycle instructor. Participants will ride around a car-free block, practicing beginner bike skills. We’ll practice moving forward, braking, turning, shifting, signaling your intention to turn, checking over your shoulder to ensure it’s safe to turn, and moving confidently through intersections. We’ll practice on a wide, safe street that is closed to cars. This is for people new to cycling. If you feel brand new, come 15 minutes early, so we can promptly practice all the beginner skills in sequence. Or, if you just have a few questions/concerns, drop in any time during this event, and stay for as long as you'd like to learn. The street is large enough that numerous participants can work on their own skills at their own pace. I’ll assess each person to work on the skills they specifically need. Even if you're not interested in riding, come if you have questions about how to bike around town. I’m a certified bicycling traffic instructor, who has been teaching over a decade. These "parking lot drills" come from the national curriculum, and have taught thousands of people. This is for ages 10+. Requirements: Bring a helmet. Know how to balance a bit, even if you're unsteady. Bring your own bicycle, or there's a Biketown station on this block that rents bikes (via the Lyft app).
Shift hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the Shift calendar by community members, not by Shift. Rides and events posted to the Shift calendar are not sponsored by Shift or Shift’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.