Saturday, September 9, 2023
Sat, Sep 9, 2023, 7:00 PM
Meet at 7pm, ride out at 8pm
End location: Col Summers Park
This event recognizes and celebrates all the great bike rides that took place this past summer! Feel free to represent your favorite ride or simply come out and enjoy an easy paced bike ride in and around SE & NE. Lights and music encouraged! Saturday is forecast for 83 degrees so let's soak up these last few days of Summer in style! Meet up begins at 7pm. Sunset happens at 7:45pm and we will roll out at 8pm.
Shift hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the Shift calendar by community members, not by Shift. Rides and events posted to the Shift calendar are not sponsored by Shift or Shift’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.