Friday, September 29, 2023
Fri, Sep 29, 2023, 6:00 PM
We ride at 6:30pm sharp-ish :)
Nomad Cycles invites you and your electric bike or trike to another relaxed social ride that will cover some miles and elevation. Come with a full battery to ride with the ease only an electric bike can offer. We will meet up behind Nomad Cycle at 6 and ride at 6:30, meandering around interesting city terrain with an opportunity or two to open that throttle if you so desire! Bring speaker if you want some tunes and an openness to building community with your fellow e-bike riders. We'll make a pit stop for provisions along the way before ending in a park to picnic and socialize. We'll ride rain or shine and if it's rainy, our end spot will be covered.
Shift hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the Shift calendar by community members, not by Shift. Rides and events posted to the Shift calendar are not sponsored by Shift or Shift’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.