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Saturday, January 27, 2024

  • Family Friendly

    Update Volunteer help for basic bike safety prep and installing party lights is needed.

    Organizer Nakedhearts:PDX and Tomcatbikes

    Time Sat, Jan 27, 2024, 3:30 PM

    Time details Meet up ends at 6:30pm

    Loop Ride is a loop

    We’re holding a meet up for PDXWLF. We’ve DJ’s. Vendors (bike community folks) with bike related art/equipment. We’ll have snacks and hot drinks (small donation), We will have lights for sale and also by donation to help get your wheels lit. Some bike maintenance folks to help do safety work. A ton of reflectors to hand out. Skate rail being brought. The space is in the underground car park and also inside a store at the Lloyd Center. If you go under Marshall’s you’ll find us there. We do need general volunteer help, as well as mechanics and those who can lend a hand installing party lights on peoples bikes. Wanna help a different way? Please bring package sealed healthy snacks to share. We practice consent and non violence at all our events. Bullying, harassment and all that is a downer so banned riders and their enablers are banned here too.


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