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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

  • Organizer NakedHearts:PDX (Molly leads)

    Time Wed, Oct 2, 2024, 6:30 PM

    Time details Meet at 6:30, Ride around 7

    End location End location: Ladds

    DID YA HEAR? September 23-27 is an internationally coordinated week of action against Chevron. We’re keeping the action against Chevron going into October with a lively protest ride where we’ll roll around town and stop at different Chevron gas stations. At each stop we’ll dance out some of our angry energy (big oil makes us big mad), do some karaoke (Chevron.... my life had juuust begun... and NOW YOU'VE GONE AND THROWN IT ALL AWAAAyyyy...), and persuade passersby to come sign a pledge to boycott Chevron. Keffiyehs, Palestinian flags and protest signs encouraged! Be advised that your clothes may get dirty in the event of an (optional) die-in. The ride will about 9 miles with 4 Chevron stops. There will be a few rough patches through old town/nw (cobblestones, tracks, etc) but we'll keep the pace easy and look out for each other. There will be one (non-Chevron) store stop. WHY ARE WE BOYCOTTING CHEVRON? (Aside from the fact that they’re an inarguably bad and evil corporation for every possible reason?) Chevron has been identified by the BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement as a consumer boycott target because of their major role in the genocide in Gaza. Chevron makes billions from their operations in occupied Palestine, and Palestinian sovereignty is a serious threat to their lucrative oil contracts. This is why Chevron supplies Israel’s military with fuel and spends millions annually lobbying US politicians to peddle propaganda and continue sending more arms and bombs to Israel. That’s more bombs to kill tens of thousands of innocent people. More bombs to release a supervolcano worth of Co2 into our atmosphere, in the midst of a climate catastrophe. More bombs to displace an entire civilian population whose right to self-determination could undermine Chevron’s profits. From "During the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, a movement to boycott Shell oil for its complicity in apartheid gained worldwide momentum, with supporters taking part in gas/petrol station pickets and major divestment campaigns from the fossil fuel company. Inspired by the South African liberation struggle, the Palestinian-led BDS movement aims to build pressure on Chevron until it no longer conducts business that gravely violates our human rights and benefits Israel’s genocidal apartheid regime." The BDS movement is calling on people around the world to boycott Chevron and pressure institutions to divest. Sign the pledge to boycott Chevron at, and then come join us on our ride! Learn more about Chevron and the BDS movement at or on instagram

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