Monday, October 28, 2024
Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 5:00 PM
Not a ride
Join Bike Milwaukie for the second Bike Happy Hour. Come to mingle with other active transportation people for food and drinks The Bike Happy Hour will be every last Monday or the month from 5-7pm (or so). The October ride will explore and celebrate "Why We Bike?" Bike Happy Hour is a place where anyone can show up and be welcomed by the Bike Milwaukie community. Just show up and hang out. That's it! Follow Bike Milwaukie on Facebook or Instagram for updates and info about special themed nights or special guest appearances. All ages are welcome. We hope to see you there. Note: Bike Happy Hour will be hosted at the Beer Store Milwaukie until Pfriem opens in the old Milwaukie City Hall building sometime next year.
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.