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Monday, March 24, 2025

  • Family Friendly

    Update Máximo (from Bicibuds rides) leading — he’s undergoing a medically necessary & gender affirming surgery on March 28th with an extended recovery which unfortunately means no biking for a few months. The theme is “Joy Amidst Chaos” — join us for “Mellow Mondays” at Abernathy Elementary. You can expect to experience an awesome playlist, with good energy. We will be celebrating life and finding joy amidst all the chaos and uncertainty going on these days….

    Organizer NakedHearts:Pdx

    Time Mon, Mar 24, 2025, 7:00 PM

    Time details Ride at 7:30

    Loop Ride is a loop

    End location End location: Ride is always a loop

    Our instagram is nakedHeartspdx so you can see how we ride. Weekly themed rides. Different ride leaders each week, but you can expect the ride to be social paced (8ish mph), no-drop, safe and welcoming, store stop with safe clean bathroom access and the ride is always a loop. We practice consent and non-violence specially with car interactions, what one ride does affects how all rides get treated. The Mellow Mondays are a space for (new) ride leaders to try out ideas in a very supported environment. You’ll often see Mondays rides appearing again during the warmer riding season. We follow the shift code of conduct and expect everyone to be respectful of themselves and others around them. This is so we can actually relax and have fun and connect with each other in a softer space. This isn’t a sober ride but we ask for moderation to keep the atmosphere relaxed. We recommend Abraham Fixes bikes in N Williams and NomadCycles (e-bike specialist) for repairs/sales and parts. Our friends over at RideSafePDX host regular ride and we’ recommend those as a pleasant warm group to ride with.

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Shift hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the Shift calendar by community members, not by Shift. Rides and events posted to the Shift calendar are not sponsored by Shift or Shift’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.