Saturday, March 1, 2025
Sat, Mar 1, 2025, 10:00 AM
Meet at 9:50 am. Event starts at 10:00 am and goes till noon.
12:00 PM
Please join SOLVE in cleaning up the railroad tracks along the beautiful Sprinwater Trail on the Willamette! We will be picking up litter starting on the North end entrance of the trail near Splendid Cycles and heading South towards Oaks Park. Please be prepared to do a healthy walk of up to 2 miles out and back. Signup using the SOLVE website link attached.
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.