Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Family Friendly
Tue, Feb 4, 2025, 6:00 PM
shows start at 6:30
9:00 PM
*not a ride* Four people presenting about bike touring. Come vicariously enjoy tales and photos from travels. Bike Touring is a great way to see the world. You are in your own air space. You can see things, smell things, hear things, enjoy the sun, wind, and rain firsthand. It's also affordable, fun, and can make your body feel great. I've been bike touring since I was 18, and have met a lot of fellow Portlanders who have also gone to far flung parts of the world. Or local parts of the world. On their bicycles. So I'm organizing this slide show series to give us all an opportunity to learn from each other, and provide motivation and instruction for people who would like to begin touring the world by bicycle. So. I'm hosting a 3-part bike touring slide show series at Migration Brewpub. It's free. It's informal, you can come and go as you like. Food is Nicaraguan. By Chef Rene. Beer is good. https://migrationbrewing.com/pubs/williams-pub-patio/ Feb 4th Lineup 6:30. Ted Buehler. Bike touring in rural Ukraine, 2016 and 2019. I rode through the Carpathian Mountains, visited the cities of Lviv, Odesa and Kyiv. Rode trains from place to place. Enjoyed the chill pleasantness that was Ukrainian Culture pre-2022. Photos, maps, stories. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158030581450985&set=pb.699765984.-2207520000&type=3 7:00 Maren Souders. Touring around the USA by Amtrak, with a Brompton and trailer. Maren took about 15 months in 2021 and 2022 to visit dozens of Intentional Communities and botanical gardens, from Portland to San Diego, to Florida, to Quebec, to British Columbia. Many adventures along the way, on the backroads and highways getting from Amtrak stations to outlying destinations. https://www.dreamintochange.com/the-route-takes-shape/ 7:30 Emily Wilson (and maybe Ben Foote) Vashon Island by bicycle, train and ferry. 2022. It's an easy starter bike tour -- Amtrak to Tacoma, ride to the ferry, ride the length of Vashon Island (Seattle's greenest suburb in many ways), then ferry to Seattle and Amtrak back to Portland. 8:00 Colleen Barclay. Olympic Peninsula by bicycle. 2024. Colleen is new to Portland, and bicycled the entire peninsula last year, self supported. But she is not new to the Pacific Northwest -- in 1978 she and a friend did a similar self-supported bike tour up Vancouver Island, then to Prince Rupert by ferry, and across the Canadian Rockies to the prairies.
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