Monday, March 3, 2025
NakedHearts:PDX (Robin leads for the first time)
Mon, Mar 3, 2025, 7:00 PM
Leaves at 7:30pm
Ride is a loop
Details of the ride from ride leader Robin. “ People can struggle with various challenges in their lives for which they feel shame and this can cause them to hide (“mask”) themselves from the rest of the world. These can range from anxiety, depression or anger to childhood trauma, physical abuse, emotional abuse or substance abuse to physical ailments and chronic pain; even to struggling with feelings of joy and love. Masking is a very distressful and unhealthy experience for many people, including myself. And in hiding ourselves, while we may feel protected, we are deeply suffering. We are depriving ourselves and the rest of the world of a great gift…our most authentic being. The bonds we create by letting others know whom we are and the joy that we can bring to the world through this form of intimacy are truly invaluable. The purpose of this ride is to create a safe space for people to practice vulnerability through sharing their stories with others and actively listening to others’ stories. No one is required to share; there is great vulnerability in simply showing up and being present. We will have 2 to 3 stops where we can share and listen to experiences in groups of 4 to 5 people, as well as a short store stop. There are a few additional rules associated with this ride in order to create a safe space for vulnerability to occur: Once the ride begins, what is said on the ride, stays on the ride. This is a confidential space and that relies on our mutual respect for each other and this boundary. If someone shares something on the ride that resonates with you, while it may be tempting to continue a conversation with them outside of this ride, please ask that person first if it is OK to speak with them about something that you heard them share. They may not wish to discuss the topic any further beyond the boundary of this ride. This is a space for sharing our experiences and practicing active listening. Only one person speaks at a time. While we may be tempted to cross-talk, offering advice and solutions to others’ challenges, we are going to refrain from these practices. While our intent is to be helpful, eliminating the possibility of judgment felt through advice and solutions is more helpful to creating a safe space for vulnerability.” As with all NakedHearts rides we practice consent and non-violence. Please don’t touch others or their property without asking and listening for ‘no’, please be respectful of drivers and if corking do so calmly.
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.