Friday, March 14, 2025
Pi Ride on 3/14
Portland Opera, 733 SW Oak St #100, Portland, OR 97205
Meet outside the main entrance to Portland Opera building.
Michael Hamann
Fri, Mar 14, 2025, 4:00 PM
Meet at 4:00 PM, ride at 4:30 PM
Ride is a loop
End location: 733 SW Oak St #100, Portland, OR 97205
1st annual Pi Ride Come join us as we circle around Portland on a Maths Pi ride. We will explore the edges, lines and curves of the city as we experience riding our bicyles along the waterfront up curvy ramps and orbicular paths. This “numerical pi advocacy ride" will include: * play some recreational math games * chalk or paper provided for math games * a brief history of Pi and talk about how important Pi is for our banking and security systems. On one stop there will be an opportunity to write out as many digits of Pi as you wish/can. You bet, there will even be Awards given out for those who give it a try! We will start at the Portland Opera House. The ride will be about 3.14 to our destination along the waterfront. Easy to moderate, we will keep a meandering pace on this No-Drop, curvilinear ride— a circular ride as we will end where we began For anyone interested after the ride your hosts, Michael and Naomi, will be heading for a delicious Pi-licious Pizza slice (location tbd). What to bring: * If you have it— Your nerdiest MATH themed attire. * cash for if you decide to join us for pizza On-street parking available if you are driving in.
Naomi Belov 971-979-5098
SHIFT hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the SHIFT calendar by community members, not by SHIFT. Rides and events posted to the SHIFT calendar are not sponsored by SHIFT or SHIFT’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.