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Saturday, March 15, 2025

  • Time Sat, Mar 15, 2025, 9:00 AM

    Time details Sign-making at Floyds starting at 9:00 AM, ride out at 10:30 AM sharp.

    The news is pretty grim these days. If Congress won't act, how can anyone stop a hostile government takeover by Nazis? That's where we, the people, need to learn from our history and stand strong against the tyranny. #TeslaTakedown is a grass-roots leaderless movement to take down Elon Musk's greatest source of wealth: his over-inflated car company. Join us for a short ride from Floyd's Coffee in Ladd's Circle to the South Waterfront Tesla showroom to protest against Tesla and Elon Musk. We will be at Floyd's at 9 AM with sign-making materials if you would like to make a sign (and support a local business!) Ride will leave promptly at 10:30 AM to join the protest (11 AM to 1 PM). For more information, or for flyers that you can print out to give to your neighbors, check out: -- FAQ's -- WHY WILL THIS WORK? Tesla is not a very profitable company, and is primarily a MEME stock. That means the value of the stock is not based on the actual sales of vehicles or cash it's making, but instead based on the hype. Tesla stock is already down 30% since the start of this year, sales are down over 40% in Europe, and are dropping in the US. If public sentiment about the company continues to decline and fewer people decide to buy Teslas (which are poorly made vehicles, btw), the hype-bubble will pop and the stock price with it. HOW WILL THIS WORK? By making sure the public knows owning a Tesla will make you a pariah in polite society. Protesting in front of the showrooms will make people think twice about buying a Tesla, and they will likely decide to purchase an EV from one of the dozens of other models that don't have the stigma attached (or even opt for a E-Bike!) WHAT SHOULD I BRING? Mostly yourself! If you have markers, poster boards, or other sign-making equipment, feel free to bring it and come make a sign with us at Floyd's starting at 9 AM. WHAT ELSE CAN I DO TO DE-NAZIFY OUR GOVERNMENT? 1. SHARE Let your friends and family know what you're up to, and invite them to come! Everyone is welcome. 2. SELL If you or someone you know owns Tesla stock, SELL NOW. The Tesla bubble is popping, as the stock is down over 30% so far this year. While a typical company's Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio tends to be between 7 (including Ford and other automakers) and 30 (including tech giants Google and Microsoft), Tesla is trading at over 300 P/E ratio. Tesla is trading not based on the current value, but based on fantasy of what it might be worth in the future. You and your friends should not expose itself to the major downside of Tesla correcting to a "normal" P/E ratio, which would mean the stock would be trading below 10% of its current value. Additionally, if you know of someone who owns a Tesla, encourage them to sell it and trade up for an E-Bike or Electric Cargo Bike (or one of the many other better EV's on the market)! 3. DIVEST If you don't own stocks directly, but have your retirement funds in an index or mutual fund, write to your financial advisor encouraging them to divest from Tesla. There's a simple form letter below you can use. 4. BOYCOTT If you know someone in the market for a car who is thinking about buying a Tesla, tell them to READ THE NEWS, and don't buy cars from Nazis. ---- SHORT LETTER --- Dear <INVESTMENT FIRM>, I am very concerned about my retirement funds being invested in Tesla, Inc., and I am urging you to divest completely from Tesla. In February, the California Public Employees Retirement System sold 50% of their holdings in Tesla (Source: It is critical to divest from this company, given the shifting public sentiment. The Tesla bubble is popping, as the stock is down over 30% so far this year. While a typical company's Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio tends to be between 7 (including Ford and other automakers) and 30 (including tech giants Google and Microsoft), Tesla is trading at over 300 P/E ratio. Tesla is trading not based on the current value, but based on fantasy of what it might be worth in the future. Tesla sales are already down over 40% in Europe, and are falling here in the US as well. My retirement funds should not be exposed to the major downside of Tesla correcting to a "normal" PE ratio, which would mean the stock would be trading well below 10% of its current value. Please divest my retirement funds from Tesla. Sincerely, <YOUR NAME>

    Website Tesla Takedown

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