Thursday, March 27, 2025
Thu, Mar 27, 2025, 5:30 PM
Meet 5:15, leave 5:30
End location: The Society Hotel
New tradition just dropped: Thursday evening protest rides with the Revolutionary Bicycle Club! This week we're heading to THE SOCIETY HOTEL to MAKE SOME NOISE! That's right, it's a noise protest! Bring your speakers and accordions and cowbells and ding-dings and ding-dongs and crashy whatsits. Raise your voice against repression (from PDX to Palestine). -WHY THE SOCIETY HOTEL?- Jessie Burke, owner of the Society Hotel and chair of the Old Town Community Association, is waging war against local mutual aid groups. She opened a bougie hotel in a neighborhood that has long had a high concentration of services and mutual aid for unhoused people– aid that is crucial at a time when there are thousands more unhoused people in Portland than there are shelter beds, and unchecked rent hikes and inflation has caused the unhoused population to grow at an alarming rate (the fastest growing category of which is retired people who lost their housing because their fixed incomes couldn't keep up with the cost of living). Rather than being a good neighbor to mutual aid groups in old town, Jessie Burke has used her connections with cops and conservative politicians (she is the former campaign manager of DA Nathan Vasquez) to try and criminalize their work. She has been calling the cops on people just trying to give out free meals and supplies (which isn't illegal) while also using her position to influence politics in the interest of her business. Portland needs more mutual aid and compassion, not more businesses that cater to tourists. We can't fight fascism on a national level if we don't take care of each other on a local level. Meet us at Revolution Hall at 5:15 to chat with us about protest security and share snacks/stickers/etc. We'll be rolling out of Revolution Hall promptly at 5:30, so if you're running late please just head straight to the Society Hotel. PLEASE NOTE: Masks are required when we arrive at the hotel, and we'll have some on hand for those who need one. Masking at protests is encouraged both for security reasons and for stopping the spread of covid in crowds. We will leave it up to individuals to decide whether they mask on the ride over. All protests carry some risk of arrest/police violence so we ask that you understand your own acceptable risk levels before you join us and carefully consider bringing children or animals along. Viva la revolution!
Shift hosts this calendar as a public service. Rides and events are posted to the Shift calendar by community members, not by Shift. Rides and events posted to the Shift calendar are not sponsored by Shift or Shift’s fiscal sponsor Umbrella.